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Curriculum Vitae

My extended CV can be viewed/downloaded here.

Below there is a short version of my CV.


– 2022-in fieri: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) [University of Udine – Department of Economics and Statistics]

– 2021-2022: Post-Doctoral Researcher [University of Verona – Department of Economics]

– 2018-2021: Post-Doctoral Researcher [Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt – Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre] 

– 2013-2017: PhD in Economics [School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University]

   [2015: Visiting Period at Bocconi University – 2016: Visiting Period at Northwestern University]

– 2011-2013: Research Assistant at CESARE lab of LUISS Guido Carli

– 2008-2010: MSc in Cognitive Science [Universiteit van Amsterdam]

   Focus: Cognitive Science, Social Psychology, Behavioral Economics

– 2006-2008: MA in Philosophy [Sapienza University of Rome]

   Focus: Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science.

– 2003-2006: BA in Philosophy [Sapienza University of Rome]

   Focus: Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience.


Teaching Experience: Mathematics for Economics, Microeconomics, Political Economics.


Technical Skills: Haskell, LaTeX, Lisp, Mathematica, MATLAB, Microsoft Office, Python, R, SPSS, STATA, z-Tree.


Contact: pf(dot)guarino(at)hotmail(dot)com

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