Here it is possible to find my published work along with my working papers.
On the contrary, it is not possible to find all those projects I am currently working on (neither titles, nor drafts).
For them to see the light, I have to change their status to "complete" even when their present status is "ε-close to be completed".
– Topology-Free Type Structures with Conditioning Events [X.2024] [ArXiv pdf]
[Accepted for Publication at Economic Theory]
– Optimism and Pessimism in Strategic Interactions under Ignorance (with Gabriel Ziegler) [pdf] [ArXiv pdf]
[Games and Economic Behavior (2022), 136, 559–585]
– Common Priors under Endogenous Uncertainty (with Elias Tsakas) [pdf]
[Journal of Economic Theory (2021), 194, 105254] ​
– An Epistemic Analysis of Dynamic Games with Unawareness [pdf]
[Games and Economic Behavior (2020), 120, 257–288] ​
– The Topology-Free Construction of the Universal Type Structure for Conditional Probability Systems
[Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (2017)]
Working Papers
– Revealing Sequential Rationality and Forward Induction [XII.2023]
– Strategic Behavior under Context Misalignment [V.2022] (with Gabriel Ziegler)